Passengers carrier rules
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Important information

Transportation of a…
A request to consider the possibility of transportation must be sent no later than 72 hours before the planned transportation and can be completed only after receiving confirmation of the possibility of its implementation from the Airline.Transportation of a passenger on a stretcher (STCR) is… more

Visa rules for…
From February 10, 2018, a visa-free regime is introduced for 30 days period for citizens of 7 countries: Japan, Indonesia, Israel, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Turkey.
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The visa-free regime applies to citizens of these… more

Passengers carrier…
Check-in and baggage check-in is done at check-in counters at airports or other points specified by the carrier.
3 hours before the depart for the aircrafts - Boeing-767, Boeing-757, А-320;
Passengers reported late for check-in which is completed 1 hour before departure time shown… more

Rules for travelling…
Transportation of accompanied children.The departure of children who are citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Republic of Uzbekistan is regulated by Resolution No. 200 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 7, 2011. According to the provisions of this… more