What services does Uzbekistan Airways Express provide
For flights with free baggage allowance:
Baggage conditions*:
Adults - no more than 23 kg (158 cm);
Children under 2 years old - no more than 10 kg (115 cm),
Hand luggage - 8 kg (115 cm).
For flights without free baggage allowance:
Hand luggage - 8 kg. (115 cm)
Hand luggage for children older than 2 years no more than 8 kg. (115 cm)
Children under 2 years of age are not allowed to hand luggage
Meals on board:
On flights up to 2 hours of flight - water;
On flights over 2 hours of flight - sandwich with chicken cutlet, lettuce, vegetables or sandwich with boiled-smoked chicken roll, lettuce, vegetables.
Seat choosing:
The service is valid no later than 36 hours before departure.
In case of rebooking/refunding, a set fee will be charged in accordance with the fare rules.
Additional services are not provided.
*Baggage allowance depends on the fare and indicated in the ticket.