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"Construction of Buildings and Structures" LLC

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The Limited Liability Company Directorate for the Construction of Buildings and Structures is an established company within the Uzbekistan Airways Joint Stock Company.

The main objectives of the Society are performing the functions of the customer, on the basis of a contract, in order to ensure the implementation of state construction and reconstruction programs (in the field of aviation). Including:

  • organization of financing of construction works;
  • implementation of technical supervision;
  • ensuring the fulfillment of the participant's instructions arising from relevant decisions, orders, assignments and other instructions;
  • any other activity that is not prohibited by law.


Legal address: 11A Taras Shevchenko Street, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

Working hours:

Daily from 09:00 to 18:00


+99877 034-00-55 – General Department; 

Grishenko Ashkhen Samvelovna – Head of the General Department.

E-mail: directCBS@uzairways.com


General Director: Anton Ashotovich Khojayan.

Deputy Director General for Finance: Jasur Takhirovich Ashirbayev.

Deputy General Director for Operations and Infrastructure Development: Fayziyev Zafar Khairullayevich.