Extra baggage
Rules for payment for the carriage of standard excess checked baggage when it is accepted for carriage by the number of pieces.
To pay for excess baggage accepted for carriage by the number of seats (PIECE CONCEPT), one standard rate is published for paying for excess checked baggage on each direction / route. This standard rate is charged for each excess of the quantitative, weight, dimensional standards established by the carrier:
- The maximum weight of one piece of checked baggage should not exceed 10/23/32 kg, depending on the standard weight of a piece of baggage established by the airline or the allowance for economic or business classes of service on a certain route of transportation;
- Standard dimensions of pieces of baggage should not exceed 115 or 158 cm in the sum of three dimensions.
- The Normative Standard maximum weight and maximum dimensions established for the free carriage of checked baggage are 32 kg and 158 cm in the sum of three dimensions.
Baggage items weighing more than 32 kg are not accepted for carriage.
Baggage items exceeding the established norms are considered oversized and / or heavy. An exception may be items that, regardless of their actual size, are accepted for carriage as pieces of baggage measuring 158 cm in the sum of three dimensions (for example, sports equipment sets, bicycles, fishing tackle, weapons, etc. items with a complex configuration)
№ | Type of excess | The number of rates charged | Rules of acceptance for transportation |
1 | Excess of the number of pieces of luggage | - 1 rate for each additional seat in excess of the baggage allowance established by the carrier Note: when paying in advance on the airline’s website with a 10% discount% | Passengers participating in the UzAirPlus frequent flyer program have the right to free transportation of an additional piece of baggage: For the level SILVER- 1/23; For the level GOLD - 1/32; |
2 | 1 Exceeding the standard seat sizes (including for baggage items for children under 2 years old who do not occupy a separate seat, as well as premium baggage of participants of the UzAirPlus program): | - 0.5 bids for each place
- 1 rate for each place
- 0,5 bids for each place | Oversized and heavy baggage are considered to be places that exceed the standard dimensions and weight set for each class service (more than 158 cm in the sum of three dimensions and weighing more than 23 or 32 kg for economy or business class of service) and a special category of passenger - children (more than 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions and weighing more than 1 kg for all classes of service). Baggage items exceeding 270 cm in size in the sum of three dimensions and weighing more than 45 kg are accepted for carriage only as cargo. Each piece of heavy baggage must be marked with a “HEAVY” tag indicating the weight of this piece on it. |
- from 159 cm or 116 cm (for luggage of a child under 2 years old who does not occupy a separate seat) to 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions (Up to 203 cm); | |||
- from 204 cm to 270 cm in the sum of three measurements (Up to 270 cm). | |||
3 |
Exceeding the standard weight of a piece of luggage:
| ||
For passengers in the class from 24 to 32 kg (Up to 32 kg): from 11 to 32 kg for baggage items of a child under 2 years old who does not occupy a separate seat; | |||
from-24 to 32 kg for premium baggage items of participants of the UzAirPlus program of the SILVER level; from 33 to 45 kg (Up to 45 kg); from 11 to 45 kg for baggage items of a child under 2 years old who does not occupy a separate seat; from 33 to 45 kg for premium baggage items of participants of the UzAirPlus program of the SILVER and GOLD levels. | - 1 rate for each place | If the passenger has presented for carriage a piece of checked baggage, which by its dimensions and/or weight is defined as bulky and/or heavy, then he is obliged to pay additional rates established for the payment of bulky and/or heavy baggage, the value of which increases in proportion to the levels of excess of the size and weight of the baggage over the norms established by the carrier. | |
For passengers from class 33 to 45 kg (Up to 45 kg); from 11 to 45 kg for baggage items of a child under 2 years old who does not occupy a separate seat; from 24 to 45 kg for premium baggage items of participants of the UZAirPLUS program of the SILVER level; from 33 to 45 kg for premium baggage of participants of the UzAirPlus program of the GOLD level. | - 0.5 bids for each place | ||
For passengers in the Y class from 24 to 32 kg (Up to 32 kg); from 11 kg to 32 kg for baggage items of a child under 2 years old who does not occupy a separate seat; from 24 kg to 32 kg of premium baggage for participants of the UzAirPlus program of the SILVER level | - 0.5 bids for each place | ||
from 33 to 45 kg (Up to 45 kg); from 11 to 45 kg for baggage items of a child under 2 years old who does not occupy a separate seat; from 33 to 45 kg of premium baggage of participants of the UzAirPlus program of the SILVER and GOLD levels. | - 1 rate for each place | ||
For passengers from the C class | |||
from 33 to 45 kg (Up to 45 kg), as well as for the weight norm of children’s places; from 11 kg to 45 kg for baggage items of a child under 2 years old who does not occupy a separate seat; from 24 to 45 kg for premium luggage of participants of the UzAirPlus program of the SILVER level; from 33 to 45 kg for premium baggage of participants of the UzAirPlus program of the GOLD levels. | - 0.5 bids for each place |
№ | Name of special baggage | Whether or not they are included in the free rate | Number of rates charged |
1 | Small animals and birds in the cabin weighing no more than 8 kg | No | Guide dogs for blind or deaf passengers are transported free of charge, provided that the passenger has an appropriate medical certificate. 0.5 bid for each place. |
2 | Animals in the hold up to 23 kg up to 32 kg up to 50 kg | No | 1 rate per seat. 1.5 rate per seat. 1.5 rate per seat. |
3 | Televisor if the weight of the packed TV up to 23 kg; if the weight of the packed TV up to 32 kg | No | 1,5 rates; 2 rates. |
4 | Baggage Declared Value Fee | When checking in baggage with a declared value for carriage, the passenger must pay an additional fee equal to 4% of the amount of the declared value of such baggage. The declared value of baggage is payable at the point where the passenger declares the value of his baggage. | |
5 | Wheelchairs and other assistive devices for the limited mobility passengers | No Carried for free | A passenger with a limited mobility can transport a special chair or other assistive devices for his movement during the trip free of charge. If the passenger transports such items not for personal use, then such baggage is accepted for carriage on a general basis. |
The normative weight limit and size limits established for the free carriage of a piece of checked baggage 32 kg and 158 cm in the sum of three dimensions. Pieces of baggage over 32 kg are not accepted for transportation on routes where the weight concept is valid.
The rate for bulky baggage (more than 158 cm in the size, but not more than 270 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions) on directions to/from Istanbul, Dubai, Sharjah, Jeddah is:
Route | Rate per 1 kg | Bulky baggage rate | Route | Rate per 1 kg | Bulky baggage rate |
From Uzbekistan to Istanbul | 6 EUR | 40.00 EUR | From Istanbul to Uzbekistan | 6 USD | 45.00 USD |
From Uzbekistan to Ankara | 5 EUR | 40.00 EUR | From Ankara to Uzbekistan | 5 USD | 45.00 USD |
From Tashkent to Sharjah | 5.00 EUR | 40.00 EUR | From SHJ to TAS | 20.00 AED | 170.00 AED |
From Tashkent/Fergana to Dubay | 5.00 EUR | 40.00 EUR | From Dubay to Tashkent/Fergana | 30.00 AED | 170.00 AED |
From Tashkent/Namangan to Jeddah | 5.00 EUR | 40.00 EUR | From Jeddah to Tashkent/Namangan | 38.00 SAR | 170.00 SAR |
From Uzbekistan to Sanya | 6.00 EUR | 40.00 EUR | From Sanya to Uzbekistan | 6.00 EUR | 40.00 EUR |
Direction | 1PC | Currency | |
For 1 item | For 2-nd and subsequent item | ||
Uzbekistan – Bishkek / Dushanbe and back | 25 | 25 | EUR |
Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan and back | 30 | 30 | EUR |
Uzbekistan – Minsk / Kiev / Georgia / Yerevan and back | 50 | 50 | EUR |
Uzbekistan – Baku and back | 55 | 55 | EUR |
Uzbekistan – Moscow and back | 35 | 35 | EUR |
Uzbekistan – St. Petersburg and back | 35 | 35 | EUR |
Uzbekistan – Vladivostok/Khabarovsk/Blagoveshensk and back | 60 | 60 | EUR |
Uzbekistan – India and back | 85 | 85 | EUR |
Uzbekistan – Pakistan and back | 70 | 70 | EUR |
Uzbekistan – Southeast Asia (except Kuala-Lumpur) / Japan / Europe / and back | 100 | 100 | EUR |
Uzbekistan - Kuala Lumpur and back | 110 | 110 | EUR |
Uzbekistan – Sharm El Sheikh/Hurghada | 40 | 40 | EUR |
Sharm El Sheikh/Hurghada – Uzbekistan | 40 | 40 | USD |
Uzbekistan - Tel-Aviv | 100 | 100 | EUR |
Tel-Aviv - Uzbekistan | 110 | 110 | USD |
Uzbekistan – Korea | 100 | 100 | EUR |
Korea – Uzbekistan | 130 000 | 130 000 | KRW |
Uzbekistan – Beijing / Xanchjou and back | 140 | 140 | EUR |
Uzbekistan – Urumchi and back | 120 | 120 | EUR |
Uzbekistan – New-York | 120 | 120 | EUR |
New-York – Uzbekistan | 180 | 180 | USD |
Tashkent - Dubai/Sharjah for R class | 100 | 100 | EUR |
Dubai/Sharjah - Tashkent for R class | 600 | 600 | AED |
On all domestic flights | 10 | 10 | EUR |
Direction | For first and subsequent place(1PC) |
currency |
Kazakhstan/Bishkek/Dushanbe-Tashkent- Kazakhstan/Bishkek/Dushanbe and back | 40 | EUR |
Kazakhstan/Bishkek/Dushanbe/Russia/Minsk/ Kyiv/Baku/Georgia-Tashkent-Russia/Minsk/ Kyiv/Baku/Georgia and back Kazakhstan-Urgench/Nukus- Russia and back | 60 | EUR |
Kazakhstan/Bishkek/Dushanbe/Russia/Minsk/ Kyiv/Baku/Georgia-Tashkent-India/Pakistan and back | 100 | EUR |
From New York and back | 180 | USD |
From Sharm El Sheikh | 120 | USD |
From Tel Aviv | 110 | USD |
From Seoul | 130 000 | KRW |
In all other through directions | 110 | EUR |
Uzbekistan Airways express
Calculation of rates for excess baggage on Uzbekistan Airways express flights:
Additional piece not exceeding 23 kg and 158 cm by the sum of 3 measurements:
- on the direction of the city of Uzbekistan - Moscow and back - EUR 35.00
- on the direction of the city of Uzbekistan - the city of the Russian Federation and back - EUR 45.00
- on the direction of the city of Uzbekistan - Aktau / Aktobe and back - EUR 25.00
№ | Type of excess | Number of rates charged | Rules of acceptance for transportation |
1 | Excess of the number of pieces of luggage | 1 bet for each additionalplace in excess of the established rate NOTE: For pre-payment on the airline's website witha 10% discount% | The exception is passengersparticipating in the frequent flyerprogram who have an EMDfor freetransportation of an additional seat. |
2 | Excess seat size (forall agecategories of passengers): - from 158 cmor from115 cm(for the overall size of children's luggage) to 203cm in the sum of three dimensions (Up to203 cm) | 1 bet for each place. | Oversized and heavybaggage are considered to be seats thatexceed the standard dimensionsand weightestablished for eachclass of service (more than 158 cm in thesum of three dimensionsand weighingmore than 23 or32 kgfor economyor businessclass of service) andpassenger categories (more than 115 cm in the sum of threedimensions and weighingmore than 5 kgfor allclasses maintenance). |
3 | Exceeding the seat weight limit(with advance paymentfor allage categories of passengers): For Y-class passengers - from 23 or10 kg(for the weight range of children's places) to 32kg (Upto 32kg) - from 32to 45kg (Upto 45kg) | 0.5 bids for each place 1 bet for each place | If a passenger has presented forcarriage a piece of checkedbaggage, which is definedby itsdimensions and/or weightas bulkyand/or heavy, thenhe is obliged to pay additionalrates established for the payment of bulky and/or heavybaggage, the value of whichincreases in proportion to the levels of excess of the size and weightof baggage items above the standards established by the carrier. |
For C-class passengers - Up to 45kg | 0,5 bids for each place | ||
For Y-class passengers - from 23 or10 kg(for the weight range of children's places) to 32kg (Upto 32kg) - from 32 to45 kg(Up to45 kg) | 0,5 bids for each place 1 bet for each place | ||
For C-class passengers - Up to 45 kg | 0,5 bids for each place |