How to behave on board
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The following is the glossary used in the present Rules:
- Passenger – a person who is transported on board of a aircraft according to the air transportation agreement;
- Crew – captain of the aircraft, other members of the aircrew and flight attendants.
The present Rules are applicable to all passengers, transported by Uzbek carriers.
A passenger on board of an aircraft must comply with the following:
- Follow the orders of the captain or orders given by other members of the crew on behalf of the captain, with regard to flight and passenger safety on board of an aircraft, safety of the equipment, services, related to the clauses of the air transportation agreement;
- Take an appropriate seat indicated on the boarding pass; with the view of ensuring the flight safety – take a seat according to the instruction of a member of the aircrew;
- Place hand luggage into specially assigned lockers;
- Fasten seat belts on the sign “Fasten the seat belts” and leave them fastened until the sign switches off.
The following is prohibited on board of an aircraft:
- Take drugs, smoke tobaccos (nasvay, etc.), also use electronic cigarettes;
- Exceed the norm of consumption of alcohol, either offered by the carrier, of acquired in duty free shops;
- Enter into the cockpit;
- Prevent members of the aircrew from fulfilling their job responsibilities or intervene into their actions;
- Use electronic devices and means of communication during the flight, take off and landing;
- Take from board of a plane or damage the property of an aircraft (blankets, headrests, kitchen equipment, electrical gadgets, safety jackets, etc.);
- Disturb other passengers without reason;
- Use crash equipment without special instructions of the aircrew;
- Change seats without permission or request of the aircrew.
The air transportation agreement between the carrier and a passenger, can be terminated by the former at any point of the route in case of breaking the Rules of conduct for passengers in order to avoid security threats to flight, lives oh health of people or their properties.
Passenger rights
- A passenger reserves the right to request members of the aircrew to provide services determined by the air transportation agreement.
- A passenger is allowed to seek assistance from a member of the aircrew for sorting issues with other passengers who break social order and disturb others without reason, threatens their dignity, property, health or lives. A passenger can also lodge a complaint against similar behavior of a member of the stuff. A passenger also reserves other rights stipulated by the legislation.
Final clause
- Guilty persons incur a liability for breaking the Rules in accordance with the legislation.