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Important information for passengers traveling to Georgia/Turkey

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Information for passengers flying to Georgia

In order to prevent cases of refusal of entry into Georgia, please make sure that:

  1. You have all the necessary travel documents.
  2. You have an official invitation to work (in case of arrival for work).
  3. You have a valid hotel reservation/residence address on the territory of Georgia.
  4. You have sufficient funds to stay for living during your stay in the country.
  5. You have health insurance or sufficient funds to cover medical expenses.

When interviewing border guards, you must clearly indicate the reason for your arrival in the country, it is advisable to have a return ticket.

Requirements for the validity period of a passport upon entry into Turkey

From January 1, 2015, in accordance with Article 7.1b of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection No. 6458, foreigners wishing to enter Turkey must have a travel document (passport) with them valid for at least 60 days after the “period of stay” of their visa, e-visa, visa-free regime or residence permit.

In order to enter Turkey on a visa with a “duration of stay” of 90 days, foreigners must have a passport/travel document valid for at least 60 days, which is a total of 150 days (90 days + 60 days/5 months) validity for moment of entry.

Taking into account the above, we remind you that for visa-free entry into the Republic of Turkey, citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan must have a foreign passport, the validity of which is at least 150 days from the date of entry into the Republic of Turkey.

Details on the website – https://www.mfa.gov.tr/passport-validity-requirements-while-entering-turkey-in-accordance-with-law-on-foreigners-and-international-protection.en.mfa