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ICAO meeting on language issues in Paris

2023 28 November
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On November 23, in Paris, at the ICAO European/North Atlantic Regional Office (ICAO EUR/NAT), a task force on the implementation of language requirements (LPRI TF/43) according to ICAO standards began its work under the chairmanship of our country, represented by I.A. Abdullaeva. - deputy Directors of the training center of Uzbekistan Airways JSC, which includes 56 ICAO member countries.

The meeting is also attended by such organizations as EASA, IATA, AOPA, EUROCONTROL of the headquarters of the Council of the International Aviation English Association (ICAEA) and the European/North Atlantic Regional Office.

At the meeting it is planned to consider and approve a new action plan for 4 years to achieve globalization and harmonization of language requirements.

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