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Meeting with Civil Aviation Veterans

2024 29 February
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Uzbekistan Airways hosted a meeting between the youth and civil aviation veterans.

The Chairman of the Board, Shukhrat Khudaykulov, in his speech, thanked the airline veterans for their many years of work and their contribution to the development of the country's aviation industry. He talked about how the airline operates today and its plans for the future.

One of the airline veterans, Hero of Uzbekistan Zarhuzha Saidazimov, dedicated 42 years to aviation. He completed his career as a Boeing-767 Class 1 aircraft commander and today shares his experience and memories with young specialists.

Valeriy Nikolayevich Tsoy, who worked as a pilot-instructor at the Training Center of the airline before retiring, talked about his aviation journey. Valeriy Nikolayevich dedicated 57 years of his life to civil aviation in Uzbekistan. He trained dozens, or perhaps hundreds, of pilots who are now passing on their experience to the next generation.

Saifutdin Sadykovich Shababayev, during his 40 years of work in the airline, progressed from being a co-pilot of the Yak-40 aircraft to becoming the commander of the Il-62 aircraft.

Former director of Tashkent Airport, Zakirhan Fazilkhanovich Ibrahimov, along with aviation veterans Jahongir Muhammadjanovich Rakhmatov, Rafael Sabirovich Sharapov, Salokhutdin Sadriddinovich Kurbanov, and Mirxabibullo Musayev, shared the challenges they faced during transitional periods when aviation in Uzbekistan entered a new stage of development, aircraft technology changed, and the airline made its mark on the international air transport market. 

Specialists from Uzbekistan Airways listened with interest to the stories of the older generation about the development of the airline, asking pertinent questions. In turn, the veterans provided advice and recommendations to the younger generation.

At the end of the meeting, the veterans were presented with commemorative gifts, and a joint photo session was organized.

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