Requirements for candidates:
1. Valid permit for aircraft Boeing 767;
2. Valid pilot's certificate of the CA (ATPL);
3. Valid certificate of the medical flight expertcommission;
4. English language proficiency, not lower than the fourth level on the ICAO language Proficiencyassessment scale (the validity period is at least 6months);
5. A break in flightwork on the appropriate type of aircraftin thisposition is no more than 9 (nine) monthsat the time of application;
6. Completed aviation education as a pilot of civilaviation or militaryaviation;
7. Flight hours on the B767 aircraft type for: captain of the aircraft - at least 1000hours; co–pilot - 500hours;
8. Proficiency in the state (forcitizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan), Russian andEnglish languages to the extentnecessary for carrying out production activities aspart of the crew of the aircraft;
9. Flight experience forforeign citizens is at least 5 (five)years;
10. Certificate of legitimacy of the certificate from the authorized body;
11. Age up to 55 years old.
Candidates must submit the following documents in electronic format (PDF):
A completed Application for a candidatefor summeremployment in flight work (attached);
The conclusion of the medical flightexpert commission onairworthiness;
Certificate of the pilot of the CA;
Documents on education, flighthours, mastered types of aircraft, etc.;
Document confirming admission toinstrument flights;
An extract from the workrecord confirming the flight experience;
Certificate of compliance with the level of knowledge of the English languageon the ICAO languageassessment scale of at least4;
A military certificate of the Republic of Uzbekistan (formilitary service citizens of the
Republic of Uzbekistan) with a markof fitnessfor militaryservice.
Send the documents by in PDFformat.
The selection will take place in Tashkent.
Stages of the competitive selection:
Confirmation of the level of English on the ICAOscale.
Exercise test.
The contract period is 12months; 36 months.
The contestants are provided with air tickets to the venue of the competition andback onflights of Uzbekistan Airways JSC;
For CA: payment for 70hours -from 10,000USD, for90 hours- up to 12,000 USD.
For co-pilots: for 70 hoursup to 6.000USD, for90 hoursup to 7.000USD.
A social package (medical insurance, servicetickets for employeesand familymembers on anyregular route of ourairline, payment for housing- 6.000.000soums)
Labor leaves up to 45 workingdays;
The documents must be accompanied by an applicationand a submission (in the attachment).