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Carriage of Special Equipment

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Wheelchairs with the electric motors for the transport of sick and other battery-powered mobility aids are accepted for carriage as checked baggage only with the prior consent of the carrier, and subject always to the following conditions:

- Wheelchairs with solid / not occurring elements of electric batteries are accepted for carriage if the batteries are disconnected, the battery terminals are insulated to prevent accidental short circuits and the battery itself is securely attached to the wheelchair.

The following items, regardless of their actual dimensions shall be accepted for carriage as a luggage piece with the size of 158 cm (62 inches) by the sum of three dimensions:

  • 1 sleeping bag, rolled up mattress or tent;
  • 1 backpack / knapsack / bag;
  • A set of ski equipment - one pair of skis, one pair of ski poles and one pair of ski boots;
  • A set of golf equipment - 1 golf bag containing a stick and a pair of golf shoes;
  • travel bag or type 22 suitcase (according to the classification of  baggage Identification Card IATA);
  • One packed bicycle (single place or a racing bike without motor);
  • Complete set of equipment for water skiing - one pair of standard water skis and one pair of water skis slalom;
  • Set of packed fishing equipment, consisting of no more than two fishing rods, one reel, one fishing net, one pair of fishing boots and a box of fishing tackle;
  • 1 small portable musical instrument not exceeding 100 cm in length;


Oversized and heavy baggage shall be considered:

  • When baggage is accepted for carriage by weight concept - luggage more than 158 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions) and weighing more than 30 kg;
  • When baggage is accepted for carriage by piece concept - luggage piece is more than 158 cm in the sum of three dimensions, and weighing more than 32 kg.

Piece of baggage that significantly exceed the established overall norms, having size of the sum of three dimensions exceeding 158 cm, weighing more than 32 kg shall be accepted for transportation only as a cargo.

Oversized and heavy baggage accepted for carriage only by prior agreement with the carrier, and subject to the payment of applicable fees set by the carrier for excess baggage charges, plus heavy or bulky luggage.

If the passenger intends to bring one piece of checked-in baggage, which, by its dimensions and / or weight is defined as bulky and / or heavy weight, then for the free transportation of baggage for the passenger it is permitted the norm of baggage allowance established for the class of service paid by him. In addition, the passenger is obliged to pay the additional fees established for bulky and / or heavy baggage in accordance with the applicable method of accepting baggage for carriage (by weight or number of pieces).

Payment for transportation of heavy and / or bulky luggage received for carriage by weight concept is accepted according to the following rules:

  • Fee set for the transportation of heavy or bulky luggage will be charged separately for each piece of baggage, exceeding dimensions or weight established by the airline regulations.
  • If the baggage is both bulky and cumbersome, then for its transportation double fee will be charged.

Transportation of baggage in the cabin on the additional passenger seat

It is permitted for carriage as unchecked baggage, radio, television, video equipment, computers, pouch, fragile and valuable items on the additional passenger seat in the cabin, under the following conditions:

  • Must be received by the consent of the carrier;
  • When preparing travel documents it must be booked an extra seat on the conditions determined by the rules of the fare, which the passenger paid for his transportation.

Transportation of ski equipment (skis, water skis, snowboards).

Sports equipment sets are accepted for carriage as 158 cm (62 in) pieces of luggage in the sum of three dimensions, regardless of their actual size. The weight of one set of sports equipment should not exceed 32 kg.

The ski equipment package includes:

  • One pair of skis
  • One pair of ski poles
  • One pair of ski boots


  • One pair of standard water skis
  • One ski for water slalom  

Transportation of surfing and scuba diving equipment.

Surfing and scuba diving equipment is not included in the baggage allowance.

When accepting such items for transportation, payment is made on the basis of the following rules:

The actual weight of the equipment is charged at the baggage rate set for excess baggage, regardless of the weight of the remaining baggage. If a set of surfing or scuba diving equipment exceeds the size and weight standards established for baggage, then fees are also charged for their transportation, in accordance with the rules of payment for bulky heavy baggage.

When accepting such equipment for carriage in terms of the number of seats, payment is made based on the following rules: The passenger must pay the established excess baggage rate for the carriage of one packed set of surfing equipment, the dimensions of which do not exceed 158 cm in the sum of three dimensions, or one full rate for excess baggage if the size of the equipment exceeds 158 cm in the sum of three dimensions.

If a passenger carries more than one set of surfing equipment, then one full rate is charged for the transportation of each subsequent set, which is set for excess baggage. 

The set of surfing equipment includes:

a surfboard or

a windsurfing board, one mast, an awning and a sail.

The scuba diving kit includes all or part of the items listed below:

  • 1 set of empty cylinders for breathing mixture;
  • 1 regulator;
  • 1 diving suit;
  • 1 pressure measuring device;
  • 1 mask and 1 breathing tube;
  • 1 pair of fins;
  • 1 knife;
  • 1 harpoon gun;
  • 1 life jacket;
  • 1 weight belt.

Transportation of golf equipment.

Acceptance for transportation of golf equipment byweight is carried out according to the following rules:

The passenger must pay the prescribed fee, regardlessof the actual weight of such equipment and the rest of the passenger's baggage.This specialfee is charged for onlyone set of equipment.

When accepting golfequipment for transportationby the number of seats, payment is made according to the following rules:

If a set of golf equipment exceeds the established baggage allowance,it is acceptedfor carriageon condition that the passenger pays 50% of the applicable ratefor 1piece of excess baggage,regardless of the actualweight of such equipment.

If a passenger carriesmore than one set of golf equipment, onefull baggageallowance will be charged for eachsubsequent set.;

The golf equipmentpackage includes onegolf bagwith a set of standardequipment and onepair of golf shoes.