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Fare Rules for Uzbekistan Airways

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The following rules for the application of fares apply to flights of Uzbekistan airways JSC, where Uzbekistan airways JSC is the flight operator.

An airticket is an agreement between a passenger and an airline for provision of passenger transportation services. Estimation the cost of transportation is not an offer. The contract is considered concluded after payment of the full cost, in accordance with the current Rules the application of tariffs, and after the issuance of the ticket. JSC "Uzbekistan Airways" reserves the right to amend the conditions the application of tariffs until the moment the ticket is issued to the passenger.

Flight coupons are valid for flights in strict sequence of the passage of the transportation route specified in the ticket, starting from the departure point.

Rebooking or rebooking, if it is provided for by the terms of the fare application:

  • In case of a change of the booking class, fare type, route, carrier, the validity period of the ticket the reissue of the ticket is required.
  • In case of changing the departure date or of a flight number, given that the route and the booking class remain the same, the rebooking is executed.
  • At reissue or rebooking of the ticket a fee is applied.
  • The fee for reissue and rebooking is established on a single level and depends on the type of tarif. The fee is applied only once, either for reissue or for rebooking. The fee for renewal or rebooking is charged accordingly to the fare rules of the original ticket, that is, accordingly to the fare that is subject to change.
  • The fee for reissuing a ticket due to a change in the name in the passport data when replacing a passport is 10 euros; a complete change of the surname or first name is not allowed. Correction of no more than 3 letters in the surname/first name is allowed.
  • When renewing multiple segments in a single ticket the fee for renewal or rebooking is charged once according to the rules applicable to the most restricted fare in the transportation. In case of changing one segment are used rules applicable to the fare on the segment.

Allocation of transportation in case of reissue is subject to the new conditions along the entire route from the starting point of the journey. Herewith, the following calculation rules are applied:

  • at reissue of a wholly unused ticket, the recalculation is executed using fares, fees and the conversion rate of the currencies valid at the date of reissue.
  • at reissue of partially used ticket, the recalculation is executed using fares, fees and the conversion rate of the currencies valid at the date of sale of transportation.

If in the ticket submitted for reissue, the transportation on which has been partially completed, were left the flight coupons intended for the local transportation in the country in which the passenger has appealed to the carrier for the reissue of ticket, this ticket can not be reissued for the further international carriage. In this case, the ticket on an international route requested by the passenger needs to be issued again as a new ticket for international transportation.

For forced rebooking or reissuing of air tickets at bagless and non-refundable fares, the following conditions apply:

a fixed reissuing/rebooking fee will be charged before the flight departs;

after the departure of the flight, reissuing/rebooking is prohibited;

non-refundable and baggage-free fares are not combined with fares that provide for a refund condition and a free baggage allowance;

Upgrading the booking class on non-refundable, non baggage fares is prohibited!

in the case of an upgrade of the booking class, it is allowed to upgrade only to fares with the same conditions for the return and carriage of baggage (i.e. it is prohibited to upgrade the booking class from non-refundable / without baggage to return/ with baggage or vice versa);

Refund, if this is provided for in the terms of the fare application:

From April 05, 2023, the change/refund fee is determined by the time of the refund/reissue/rebooking transaction and is not tied to the time the seat was removed from the booking

Thus, if the refund/reissue/rebooking transaction is made more than 1 hour before the departure of the flight specified in the ticket, the established fee is charged in accordance with the fare rules. If the transaction is made less than 1 hour before the flight departure time or after the flight departure, an additional NO-SHOW fee will be charged.

Moreover, if passenger has completed check-in for the flight, including online check-in, but does not show up for boarding, a fee for no-show for the flight will be charged.

At the same time, taking into account the current rules for non-refundable fares, according to which, in the case of NO-SHOW, rebooking / reissuing an air ticket is prohibited, the above transactions must be made more than 1 hour before the flight departure time, otherwise it will be impossible to use transportation on such an air ticket in the future.

Refunds for fully or partially unused air tickets are made in the country of sale of the carriage.

The validity period of the return ticket is 1 year:

  • for fully unused ticket - from the date of sale of transportation;
  • for a partially used – from the date of commencement of transportation specified in the originally issued ticket.

In case of voluntary refusal of transportation is applied a fee for voluntary refusal in accordance with the rules of fare application.

The basic principles of refund are the following:

  • if the refund is executed for a completely unused ticket, to the passenger shall be reimbursed the amount paid for the transportation with deduction of the penalty fees for refund if such fees are established by the fare rules. In case of fully unused ticket issued with the use of different types of fares, is applied the penalty applicable to a more restricted fare.
  • Fee for using the booking system (YR) is charged
  • if the refund is is executed for a partially used ticket, to the passenger shall be reimbursed the unused segment of the transportation with deduction of the refund fee, applicable to the returned segment.

The amount of refund in this case is calculated as follows: of the applicable fare is deducted the fare in one direction on the used route, valid on the date of sale of the transportation, keeping all necessary penalty fees. If the fare in one direction is not published, is applied one-way fare of the higher level, published on the date of sale of transportation.

In the case of a refund of air tickets at baggage-free and non-refundable fares, the following conditions apply:

  • Only the published airport charges for unused sections of the carriage are subject to refund.

In case of death of the passenger or of death of his immediate family, flying together, refund is allowed without deduction of any penalty fees, given the provision of supporting documents.

Tashkent/Fergana/Andijan/Namangan-Nukus/Urgench and back.Urgench/Nukus/Fergana/Andijan/Namangan-Termez and back.Tashkent - Muynak and back.

Fare typeFor return fares / with baggage allowanceFor non-refundablefares / withoutbaggage 

NO-SHOW rate

(less than 1 hour beforeflight departure)

С / D / Y / B / M / K / T / V / O /S / U /L5 EUR10 EUR2 EUR10 EURForbiddenOnly airport taxes published in the sales system are refundable.
GNot allowed60%    

On all other domestic flights

Type of tariffFor return fares /with baggage allowanceFor non-refundable fares / without baggage

NO-SHOW rate

(less than 1 hour beforeflight departure)

С / D / Y / B / M / K / T / V / O /S / U /L2 EUR4 EUR2 EUR4 EURForbiddenOnly airport taxes published in the sales system are refundable.
GNot allowed60%    

Tashkent - New-York - Tashkent

Fare typeReissue/rebookingRefundNo show for the flight at least 1 hour in advanceFare typeReissue/rebookingRefund
 No show for the flight at least 1 hour in advance 
C10 USD20 USD120 USD----
D/I20 USD30 USD----
Y15 USD20 USDY1P / B1P / M1P / K1P / T1P / V1P / O1P / S1P / U1P / L1P300 USDForbiddenThe fare is withheld in full, as well as taxes YR, YQ. Airport and other taxes on unused sections of the route are refunded
B / M / K / T / V50 USD60 USD
O / S / U / L80 USD100 USD

International flights

Fare typeReissue/rebookingRefundNo show for the flight at least 1 hour in advanceFare typeReissue/rebookingRefund
 No show for the flight at least 1 hour in advance 
C0 EUR0 EUR50 EUR----
D/I10 EUR15 EUR----
Y0 EUR10 EURYNB-YLT / BNB-BLT / MNB-MLT / KNB-KLT / TNB-TLT / VNB-VLT / ONB / SNB-SLT / UNB-ULT / LNB-LLT70 EURForbiddenThe fare is withheld in full, as well as taxes YR, YQ. Airport and other taxes on unused sections of the route are refunded
B / M / K / T / V20 EUR30 EUR
O / S / U / L / P40 EUR60 EUR

On through flights


For refundable faresFor non refundable fares
Fare typeReissue/RebookingRefundNO-SHOW (less than 1 hour before flight departure)Fare typeReissue/RebookingRefund
InternationalJFL10 EUR10 EUR30 EUR- --
HFL20 EUR10 EURHST70 EURForbiddenThe fare is withheld in full, as well as taxes YR, YQ. Airport and other taxes on unused sections of the route are refunded
EFL / NFL / QFL / WFL40 EUR40 EUREST / NST / QST / WST70 EURForbiddenThe fare is withheld in full, as well as taxes YR, YQ. Airport and other taxes on unused sections of the route are refunded
To/From New-YorkJFL20 USD20 USD100 USD- --
HFL20 USD20 USDHST300 USDForbiddenThe fare is withheld in full, as well as taxes YR, YQ. Airport and other taxes on unused sections of the route are refunded
EFL / NFL / QFL / WFL80 USD80 USDEST / NST / QST / WST300 USDForbiddenThe fare is withheld in full, as well as taxes YR, YQ. Airport and other taxes on unused sections of the route are refunded
Central AsiaJFL10 EUR10 EUR15 EUR- --
HFL10 EUR10 EURHST40 EURForbiddenThe fare is withheld in full, as well as taxes YR, YQ. Airport and other taxes on unused sections of the route are refunded
EFL / NFL / QFL / WFL20 EUR25 EUREST / NST / QST / WST40 EURForbiddenThe fare is withheld in full, as well as taxes YR, YQ. Airport and other taxes on unused sections of the route are refunded

To/from the cities of Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan

Fare typeReissue/rebookingRefundNo show for the flight at least 1 hour in advanceFare typeReissue/rebookingRefund
 No show for the flight at least 1 hour in advance 
C0 EUR0 EUR20 EUR----
D/I10 EUR15 EUR----
Y0 EUR10 EURYNB / BNB / MNB / KNB / TNB / VNB / ONB / SNB / UNB / LNB40 EURForbiddenThe fare is withheld in full, as well as taxes YR, YQ. Airport and other taxes on unused sections of the route are refunded
B / M / K / T / V10 EUR20 EUR
O / S / U / L / P25 EUR35 EUR

Uzbekistan - Dubai/Sharjah - Uzbekistan

Fare typeReissue/rebookingRefundNo show for the flight at least 1 hour in advanceFare typeReissue/rebookingRefund
 No show for the flight at least 1 hour in advance 
C0 EUR0 EUR50 EUR----
D/I10 EUR15 EUR----
Y0 EUR10 EURYNB-YLT / BNB-BLT / MNB-MLT / KNB-KLT / TNB-TLT / VNB-VLT / ONB / SNB-SLT / UNB-ULT / LNB-LLT70 EURForbiddenThe fare is withheld in full, as well as taxes YR, YQ. Airport and other taxes on unused sections of the route are refunded
B / M / K / T / V20 EUR30 EUR
O / S / U / L40 EUR60 EUR
PRebooking/reissue fee - 40 EUR, NO-SHOW fee - 50 EUR, no refunds

To/from the cities of Uzbekistan to Tadjikistan

Fare typeReissue/rebookingRefundNo show for the flight at least 1 hour in advanceFare typeReissue/rebookingRefund
 No show for the flight at least 1 hour in advance 
C0 EUR0 EUR-----
D/I10 EUR15 EUR----
Y0 EUR10 EURYNB / BNB / MNB / KNB / TNB / VNB / ONB / SNB / UNB / LNB40 EURForbiddenThe fare is withheld in full, as well as taxes YR, YQ. Airport and other taxes on unused sections of the route are refunded
B / M / K / T / V10 EUR15 EUR
O / S / U / L20 EUR25 EUR