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Participation in the corporate program “Business”

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A legal entity (organization or enterprise) can become a participant in the corporate “Business” program.

In order to become a participant in the corporate “Business” program, you must submit an application to the “UzAirPlus” Service, appoint one of the employees as a corporate account manager and provide a list of employees who will take part in accumulating points on the corporate account.

Only persons who have reached the age of 16 and have an identification document (passport, ID card, etc.) can be included in the list of employees of the corporate program “Business”.

The list of employees of the corporate program “Business” must be provided on the letterhead of a legal entity, certified by the seal and signature of the manager. Copies of employees’ passports/ID cards must be attached to the list. Changes to the list of employees in the corporate program “Business” are allowed no more than once every 6 months and are made in writing, on letterhead, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the participating organization.

The responsibilities of a corporate account manager include:

  • Tracking the status of your organization’s corporate account in the program,
  • Interaction with UzAirPlus Service to clarify data on the accrual and write-off of points,
  • Informing about changes in the passport data of employees participating in the accumulation of points in the corporate Program,
  • Upon dismissal of employees of the organization, provide a letter of exclusion of participants from the corporate program.

An organization that is a participant in the corporate “Business” program can have only one account.

Points for flights of employees participating in the corporate “Business” program, including the organization’s manager, are credited to the corporate account. The accrual of bonus points is calculated using the formula:

Award points= Euro fare *10 / (1+0.03 * N),


Premium points are the number of bonus points required to be credited to a corporate account,

Euro tariff – the tariff amount published in euros;

N is the number of employees on the list of the participating organization.

Example: According to the letter provided, there are 25 employees. The route fare is 500 euros.

Calculation: 500*10/ (1+0.03*25) =2857 bonus points.

Participants in the “Business” Program are rewarded in the following ways:

  • Premium upgrade to service class;
  • Issuance of an award ticket;

An additional privilege for an organization participating in the “Business” program is the opportunity to pay for additional baggage allowance with earned prizes and/or purchased points with the issuance of the appropriate EMD.

A corporate account has no status levels.

An award ticket or an award upgrade can only be issued in the name of an employee of the organization – a participant in the Business program, who was declared in the list of employees of the organization. To issue an award ticket, the participating organization must submit to the UzAirPlus Service a written application on the organization’s letterhead, certified by the seal and signature of the manager, indicating the names of the employee(s) on whom award air tickets need to be issued.

Award points earned are valid for 36 months from the date of the flight for which they were awarded.

If Corporate Program Participant organization does not fly within 36 months from the date of the last credited actual flight, its corporate account is cancelled.