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Aviation veterans are always held in high esteem!

2021 10 May
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During the Great Patriotic War, many of our compatriots showed worthy courage not only on the battlefields, but also behind the labor front. Among them there is Leonid Klochko, who despite that moment was only 14 years old, made a worthy contribution for the victory with his hard work in the rear. It has become a good tradition for “Uzbekistan Airways” JSC annually visit labor veterans and pay them respect in honor of May 9 - the Day of Remembrance and Honor.

This year, on the Eve of this Significant Holiday, representatives of the administration and the trade union committee of the airline, as well as activists of the enterprise's youth union, visited the house of 93 years old veteran of labor Leonid Mikhailovich, who had worked for many years in civil aviation.


At the meeting, our hero spoke about the importance of the feat of our ancestors, who gave their lives for the freedom of the Motherland in reaching today's peaceful sky, stressing that young people should value and cherish our peaceful and prosperous days.

Leonid Mikhailovich, after graduating from several civil aviation schools in the cities of Troitsk, Sasovsk and in Leningrad, devoted his life to aviation and for many years worked as a Commander and professionally piloted Il-12, Il-14, Il-18, Tu- 134 Aircrafts. The total number of hours our hero has flown is more than 14 000 .

He was also entrusted with such important positions as Assistant Commander of the training center, Deputy Head Supervisor of Tashkent airport, Head of the flight planning department of the central production and dispatch service of the NAC, The First Deputy General Director of the NAC.

During an interesting conversation, representatives of “Uzbekistan Airways” congratulated Leonid Klochko on the holiday and thanked him for his heroism during the Great Patriotic War, as well as presented memorable gifts.

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