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Margilan – the “silk heart” of Uzbekistan!

2021 24 September
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“Silk heart” of Uzbekistan – this is how the people call the city not far from Fergana, this is how they say about Margilan. This city from time immemorial has been famous for its silk, which was talked about everywhere: from west to east. Margilan silk is still exported to countries such as Germany, the Republic of Korea, Russia, and India.

The Yodgorlik silk-weaving factory, famous for its handmade khan-atlas, is located here. This place is also popular for the fact that visitors can observe the complete process of making silk fabrics: from preparing cocoons to obtaining finished fabric. The craftsmen of the Yodgorlik factory produce khan-atlas, adras, shokhi, boz, bekasam and other fabrics using traditional technology that has been passed down from generation to generation for many years.

Travel together with Uzbekistan Airways from Tashkent to Fergana on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

A one-way ticket will cost from 100 203 UZS, and a round-trip ticket will cost from 175 356 UZS.

Prices are valid for 24.09.2021

Telegram: t.me/uzbekistanairways

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