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The second stage of the competition on the topic “Innovative ideas in the field of air transport” was held in the hall of the “Uzbekistan Airways” JSC

2021 7 November
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According to the results of the II stage of the competition, A. Zaripov, a specialist of the 2nd category of the Ground Services Department was awarded the 1st place, the 2nd place was awarded to M. Sugurbaev, an engineer for the operation of flight simulators of  "ETC"LLC and an engineer of the Department of maintenance and repair of aircraft of the eastern production service ensuring the quality of Uzbekistan Airways Technics LLC I. Khamitov was awarded the 3rd place.

The winners of the competition were presented with memorable gifts from the Republican Council of the trade union of aviation workers of Uzbekistan.

Telegram: t.me/uzbekistanairways

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