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Simulator Full Flight Simulator Airbus 320 - "reliable friend" of pilots

2021 8 November
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In November, 6 years have passed since that wonderful day when the Full Flight Simulator Airbus 320 was put into operation at the Training Center. Over the years, more than 9000 specialists from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation and others have been trained on the simulato. It should also be noted that the demand for the services of the training complex is constantly growing. Maintenance of the simulator's airworthiness is carried out by the employees of the "Training Center" LLC with the support of the equipment manufacturer from Canada - the "CAE" company.

Near future, a full-fledged update of the simulator software is planned. We remind you that the latest development of the Canadian company 7000CAE XR is equipped with the most modern computer software, mobility and visualization systems. In practice, this is an exact copy of the A320 cockpit, mounted on a movable platform with six degrees of freedom.

The team of” Training Center” LLC is always glad to see all reliable partners and new clients at trainings and intends to do everything so that the use of the center's simulators brings benefits to airlines and increases flight safety.

Telegram: t.me/uzbekistanairways

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