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Spring price reduction on flights to the UAE and Turkey by Uzbekistan Airways

2023 29 March
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Spring price reduction on flights from Uzbekistan to the UAE

Starting from March 30, 2023, Uzbekistan Airways announces a price reduction on flights on routes from Tashkent and Ferghana to Dubai and Sharjah! Thus, the cost of an airline ticket Tashkent - Dubai - Tashkent starts from 2,427,000 soums, on flights Fergana - Dubai - Fergana, an airline ticket cost begins from 2,451,000 soums, and on Tashkent - Sharjah - Tashkent direction airline tickets can be purchased at a cost of 2,304,000 sum!

Do not miss the opportunity to visit Dubai and Sharjah at competitive prices with Uzbekistan Airways!


Spring discount on flights form Uzbekistan to Turkish

In the period from March 30 to May 14, 2023, Uzbekistan Airways presents special discounts on all routes from the cities of Uzbekistan to Istanbul! When buying a ticket during the specified period, the airline provides a 20% discount on the fare for economy class passengers and a 40% discount on the fare for business class passengers. Discounts apply to all flights during the specified period from Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Fergana and Urgench to Istanbul.

Do not miss a unique offer - visit Istanbul at a discount with Uzbekistan Airways!

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