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Uzbekistan Airways in the London Festival of Uzbek Culture and Cuisine

2024 10 June
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Uzbekistan Airways acted as an official partner and air carrier at the London Festival of Uzbek Culture and Cuisine.


The event was organized with the support of the “Vatandoshlar” Foundation and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Festival mehmonlari mashhur Tauer ko‘prigi yaqinida joylashgan istirohat bog‘ida Buyuk Britaniyadagi o‘zbek diasporasi vakillari bilan uchrashib, sharqona mehmondo‘stlikni his qilibgina qolmay, Uzbekistan Airways qanotlarida Londondan Toshkentga sayohat qilish imkoniyati haqida ma’lumot oldilar. Bu yil festivalga tashrif buyurganlarning soni 60 mingga yetdi. 

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